Cross Country Results

Cross Country Results
Posted on 09/12/2022
JH cross country girlsCongratulations to our Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Junior High Cross Country Runners.  Ayaprun Elitnaurvik's own Mary Kay Evon placed 10th, and Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Alum Claire Dyment placed first at ACS. They helped lead the Bethel girls to a Second Place Team score. Congratulation girls!

JH cross country runners

Our elementary cross country team ran the Sea Wall this weekend. Results below.

School Grade  Name  Time 
GJE 5 Tiel McIntyre 10:29
GJE 5 Maya Iverson 10:29
GJE 5 Bennett Sorg 10:43
AE 4 Nurataaq Lefferts 10:55
GJE 4 Layla Phelan 11:46
AE 5 Ciquyaq Carty 11:52
AE 5 Mikngayaq Abalama 12:11
AE 4 Utuan Uttereyuk 12:11
AE 5 Aaquqsaq Brink 12:23
GJE 5 Otto McElwee 12:28
GJE 5 Ari Kaiser 12:32
AE 4 Cikigaq Kaiser 12:42
AE 5 Arnaquq Peter 12:51
AE 5 Unguiralria O'Brien 12:52
AE 5 Ciquyaq Charlie 12:53
GJE 4 Leland Olrun 12:57
GJE 4 Liam Murat 13:01
GJE 4 Arnold Wassilie 13:05
AE 5 Negaralria Charlie 13:11
GJE 4 Lyric McIntyre 13:11
GJE 4 Ava Allain 13:21
GJE 5 George Ayapan 13:22
AE 5 Canaar Anderson 13:39
AE 4 Panikgaq London 13:40
GJE 5 Antonia Craven 13:41
GJE 5 Codi Hancock  13:42
GJE 4 Allie Merculief 13:44
AE 5 Anguyaluk Hoffman 14:00
GJE 5 Vanessa Carl 14:02
GJE 5 Adelyn Riley  14:06
GJE 5 Courtney Webber 14:16
GJE 5 Katri Naneng 14:58
AE 4 Cakayak Nicholas 15:02
AE 4 Kumak Tulik 15:02
GJE 4 Liam Keller 15:08
AE 4 Alqaq Wilde  15:09
AE 4 Tulurakuk Vanasse 15:22
GJE 4 Cedric Emmons 15:29
AE 4 Ayagalria Brink-Twitchell 15:54
AE 4 Cungauyar Charles  15:55
GJE 5 Ashley Fox 15:56
GJE 5 Kale Emmons 16:22
GJE 5 Cole Moses 16:53
GJE 5 Brayden Samuelson 17:13
AE 4 Cupluar Jones 17:17
GJE 4 Ashley Noes 17:43
GJE 5 Conner Solesbee 18:01
AE 5 Apess'aq Ayagalria 18:02
GJE 4 Gloria Jones 18:25
GJE 4 Maudrey Kernak 19:25
AE 4 Apeng'aq Beaver 20:16
AE 4 Qakaq Nenneman 20:30
AE 4 Qiataq David 24:38:00
AE 4 Angull'aq Valadez 25:34:00
AE 4 Mik Gill 31:42:00
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